AGM 2022 & Paid Membership Survey


Annual General Meeting

Join us for the North American Gaeltacht 2022 AGM on Saturday, 25 June 2022.
The AGM will be held virtually using Zoom software. Register here.

Latest updates from working groups
Financial accounting, motions, election of New Officers
Group Meetings (Executive, Working Groups)

10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
12 p.m. - 1.00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.

The leadership positions of the working groups will be reviewed (Public Relations, Immersion Week, Oireachtas & Cultural Events, Youth Engagement, Fundraising, Site Development, Site Maintenance, IT & Website). If you would like to join or lead a group to help in the running and development of the Gaeltacht, please make this known in your registration for the AGM. There is immediate need for a PR leader.

The current mandates can be viewed here

Paid Gaeltacht Memberships (Survey)

The Gaeltacht has been working diligently to provide a productive and comfortable space for learning the Irish language, as well as to foster and grow the Irish community here in Canada and North America. Over the past few years we have added new events to help bring our membership closer to their culture, language, and history as a part of the Irish diaspora around the world including moving our immersion weeks online, trialing cultural pop-up events (Hallowe'en), and a new lending library and community archive being put together, as well as a new curriculum being developed by our very own volunteers based off of the TEG system in Ireland to suit our different needs. Our goal as an organization is to provide all of the services necessary to reconnect a people with their culture and language, and we are working hard to meet that goal.

With that said, we are now looking to expand on the ways we can foster growth and development within the Gaeltacht. We have a number of new objectives and resources we are looking to put together, that will help people not only learn their language, but also rely on it as a living language and the language of their daily lives in Canada and North America. As was initially outlined in our business plan, we are looking at instituting a paid membership which will allow us more reliable funding to grow and provide more services for you, our membership, as well as provide member-specific benefits that will help streamline the learning process for those involved with the Gaeltacht.

We are looking for community feedback on what these benefits should look like, and what the membership would benefit most from. More information and the opportunity to provide feedback is available in the full newsletter, via the link below.


Summer Immersion Week 2022


Newsletter: May 2022