Newsletter: Spring 2023

A chairde Gael,

Tumsheachtain Samhraidh 2023 // Summer Immersion Week 2023
Tá áthas arís ar fhoireann Ghaeltacht an Oileáin Úir, an t-aon cheantar gaeltachta amháin in aitheantas taobh lasmuigh d'Éirinn, fáilte a chur romhaibhse go Tumsheachtain Samhraidh, ar siúl idir an 14-19ú mí Lúnasa, 2023.
D'éirigh an clár nua go mór linn anuriadh agus beimid chun níos mó snasa a chur ar air fiú (ranganna teangan sa trathnóna mar pháirt de).

We at the North American Gaeltacht, the only recognized Gaeltacht area outside Ireland, are again happy to invite
you to our summer immersion week, happening between the 14-19th of August, 2023. Our new schedule was well
recieved and we are going to be having even more improvements (afternoon language classes being one).

I rith na seachtaine beidh ranganna Gaeilge ar siúil, ar leibhéil éagsula idir glantosnaitheoir agus cainteoir líofa
in atmaisféar lánGhaeilge a thabharfaidh seans d’fhoghlaimeoirí a gcuid scileanna teangan a chleachtadh taobh
lasmuigh don seomra ranga. I dteannta leis sin, cuirfear ceardlanna cultúrtha ar fáil. Is é sprioc againn go mbeidh na haon
fhoghlaimeoir ar a shuaimhneas a chuid Gaeilge, beag nó mór, a chleachtadh agus a labhairt in atmaisféar scíthe.  

Throughout the week there will be Irish language classes at separate levels for complete beginners through to fluent
speakers in a fully Gaelic atmosphere that will give a chance for learners to practice their language skills outside
of the classroom. Along with that, cultural workshops will be available. It is our goal that every learner will be at
ease to speak their Irish, however much or little, in a relaxing atmosphere.

Clárúchán ar leith de dhíth (osclófar é trí eventbrite ar an 1d lá Meithimh). Campáil ar an suíomh chun eispéireas
tumoidis go hiomlán a fháilt. Bricfeasta agus dinnéir lónadóra gach aon lá.

Registration is required (opening for registration through eventbrite on June 1st). Camp on the site to get the full
immersive experience. Breakfasts and catered dinners included each day.

Ollchruinniú Bliantúil de Chumann na Gaeltachta // Cumann na Gaeltachta AGM

Cuirimid fáilte romhaibh go hOllchruinniú Bliantúl de Chumann na Gaeltachta: Is eagraíocht neamhbhrabúis é Cumann na Gaeltachta a chothaíonn suíomh na Gaeltachta agus a socraíonn clár imeachtaí teangan. Tá an tOllchruinniú seo oscáilte do gach aon duine go raibh aon phairtiú acu in imeachtaí na Gaeltachta, agus stiúrann sé an cumann don mbliain amach.

We welcome you to Cumann na Gaeltachta's Annual General Meeting: Cumann na Gaeltachta is the non-profit organization which develops the Gaeltacht site and programming of events. This AGM is open to anyone who has previously attended a Gaeltacht event, and sets the course of the orgaization for the coming year.

Due to uncontrollable circumstances, we were forced to cancel our February immersion event (Féile an tSneachta). In its place, following the AGM we would invite attendees, free of charge, to join immersive spaces available through the weekend (Saturday and Sunday, 2-4pm ET). Two levels (lower A1-B1, upper B2-C) will be offered, with limited spaces. These will not be formalized classes based on TEG level, but spaces for the community to speak together with others and to learn some Irish, led by the Taoiseach and Tánaiste.

Reserve your place here:

Cultural Events

Táimid a lorg saorálaí ar son Comóradh Tamworth 175 bliain, bí i dteagmháill linn má tá siúm agat a bheith pairteach.

We are looking for Volunteers for the Celebration of Tamworths' 175th Anniversary. Please let us know if you're interested in helping.


Sna laethanta roimh Lá 'le Pádraig, rinneadh agallaimh ar an nGaeltacht le CBC (an Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) a craoladh ar fud Ontáirio, agus le Global News a craoladh ón gColóim Bhriotanach go hOntáirio.

Chuir baill na Gaeltachta imeacht cultúrtha agus teangan ar bun, i gcomhar leis an Iarsmalann Lennox & Addington. Chomh maith leis sin, bhí ionadaíocht mhaith againn ag an gceiliúradh oifigiúil Lá 'le Pádraig ag áras ambasadóir na hÉireann chun na Ceanada in Ottabha.

Leading into St. Patrick's week, interviews about the Gaeltacht were given to CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) broadcast across Ontario, as well as Global News, broadcast from British Colombia through Ontario.

Public programming was provided by Gaeltacht members, in partnership with the Lennox and Addington Museum. The Gaeltacht was also represented at the Ambassador's Residence in Ottawa for official St. Patrick's Day celebrations.


Library Archives

Tá an Leabharlann buíoch as na bronntóirí di. San áireamh leis na leabhair nua shuntasacha a cuireadh leis an gcnuasach atá sraith ar timpeallacht nádúrtha na hÉireann le Niall Mac Coitir:
New library is thankful to its many donors. New books of note added to the library's holdings includes a series on the Irish natural world by Niall Mac Coitir:

Ireland's Birds (2021)
Birds have been important symbols in our art and culture for thousands of years. In his latest book, Niall Mac Coitir draws together the myths, legends and folklore of Ireland's birds, both wild and domestic. He explores seasonal, cultural and symbolic associations and challenges us to look at birds as dynamic creatures that have influenced our society over the millennia.

Ireland's Trees (2022)
Niall Mac Coitir brings to life the myths, legends and folklore associated with native Irish trees, much of which persists to this day. Two main themes emerge: the tree as a marker of important places such as royal sites or holy wells, and the role of trees as sources of magical power in folk customs and traditions, such as carrying a blackthorn staff when out walkling at night to ward off evil spirits.

Ireland's Animals (2015)
Niall Mac Coitir provides a comprehensive look at the folklore, legends and history of animals in Ireland, and describes their relations with people, being hunted for food, fur, sport, or as vermin, and their position today. A final section, inspired by stories of animal transformations, looks at twelve animals and how we can enrich our lives by visualizing ourselves with their special qualities.

Irish Wild Plants (2006)
The wild plants of Ireland are bound up in our culture and folklore. They appear in the old Irish Brehon Laws and early nature poetry. Herbal medicine was also important. In ancient Ireland there were 365 different parts of the body, and a different plant to cure the ailments of each part. So there are myths, legends and folklore associated with wild plants and flowers in Ireland. A person who carries a four-leaved shamrock will have great luck in gambling, while a girl who puts nine ivy leaves under her pillow will dream of her future husband.


Newsletter: Summer 2023


Summer Immersion Week 2022