Explore Culture

  • Our site uses the Abair.ie Web Reader, so anything you see in Irish you also hear in the three main dialects!

    The ABAIR Web Reader widget is in the bottom corner on the right hand side.

    • Click the “abair.ie” speech bubble to open or close

    • Select dialect and reading speed

    • Click the green speech bubble “A” to start

    • Hover over the text to read, it will turn yellow

    The highlighted text is sent over to abair.ie, processed, and sent back, so it may take a second or two before you hear the results.

    If you are using your mobile phone, tilt the screen to landscape to see the options.

Culture is everywhere around us. It includes the food we eat, how we dress, how we celebrate, and how we live. All of these aspects are connected by language. Unfortunately, many learners outside of Ireland often find that culture is not given much importance in language classrooms. It may be considered something separate or less significant.

Our culture sections come from our community workshops, with each one connected back to the Irish language. We strive to create a growing collection of resources that align with your personal interests, so you can learn and use Irish in a way that is meaningful to you.